DWG to Image

Key Features

Stand-alone utility - AutoCAD NOT required

To use Advanced DWG to Image Workshop, you don't need AutoCAD installed in your PC.

Improved page layout settings

Use DWG page layout settings to create your image conversion. The page, view, and layout from your CAD drawing are retained, making it easy to create a high-quality image files.

Batch mode conversion

Advanced DWG to Image Workshop can also be used from the command line to batch-process multiple conversions.

Multiple AutoCAD® version support

We support a wide variety of versions of DWG and DXF files, making it easy to meet the requirements of legacy applications. Advanced DWG to Image Workshop converts between any combination of DXF or DWG files from R12, R13, R14, 2000, and 2004/2007/2008.

Specify line widths

Control line width scaling in the image file. You can use the line width options from the original file, display or suppress line widths in your conversion, or use your own custom line width.

Choose layouts to convert

Select from current, Model (layout), or Layouts Only (excluding the Model) You can also select layouts to convert by name.

Choose layers to convert

Identify specific drawing layers to convert, by layer name or by type (on/off, lock/unlock, frozen/unfrozen, or plottable/unplottable).

Control output colors

Choose full color, grayscale, or black-and-white.

DWG to Image conversion at an affordable price

You don’t need expensive AutoCAD® software to unlock your DWG files. Advanced DWG to Image Workshop creates high quality vector image files from CAD drawings.

Create universally accessible files

The image files format is a widely accepted standard for viewing documents. Image files can be viewed on the Web, eliminating the need for a CAD viewer. You can easily make your drawings accessible to your clients and others who don’t have CAD software.

First-class customer support

We offer customers two day or better turnaround on e-mail support, Monday through Friday. Any technical issues will be resolved in a quick and timely fashion.

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